Specialists in Frozen Seafood
We supply our customers with an extensive range of fish, fish fillets and fish steaks. We are able to offer a wide variety of fish products including farmed fish, freshwater fish as well as wild catch which are sourced from many countries around the world.
In addition to our many standard products we also offer an almost all year round availability of tropical soles ready to cook, turbot fillets, Northwestern Atlantic monkfish fillets, sea frozen catfish fillets and red snapper fillets amongst others.
If you have any special requests please do not hesitate to contact Rassau Seafood and we will endeavor to source and supply you with any specialist requirements you may have.
Bonito | Sarda Sarda | Wildcatch | Atlantic, Eastern Central |
Fishburger, breaded | |||
Trout | Oncorhynchus mykiss | farmed | Spain |
Anchovy | Engraulis encrasicolus | Wildcatch | Atlantic, Eastern Central |
Sardines | Sardina pilchardus | Wildcatch | Mediterranean Sea |
Tropical Sole Fillets | Cynoglossus spp. | Wildcatch | Atlantic, Eastern Central |
FISH FILLETS | ![]() |
Cod Fillets | Gadus morhua | Wildcatch | Baltic Sea |
Halibut Fillets | Reinhardtius hippoglossoides | Wildcatch | Atlantic, Northwest |
Stargazer Fillets | Uranoscopidae (Kathetostoma giganteum) | Wildcatch | Pacific |
Cod Fillets | Gadus morhua | Wildcatch | Atlantic, Northeast |
Cod Loins | Gadus macrocephalus | Wildcatch | Pacific |
Catfish Fillets | Anarhichas spp. | Wildcatch | Atlantic, Northeast |
Salmon Portions | Oncorhynchus keta | Wildcatch | Pacific |
Red Mullet Fillets | Upeneus moluccensis | Wildcatch | Indian Ocean |
Red Mullet Fillets | Pseudupeneus prayensis | Wildcatch | Atlantic, Eastern Central |
Mostelle (Brotula) Fillets | Brotula Barbata | Wildcatch | Atlantic, Eastern Central |
Smooth Oreo Dory Fillets | Pseudocyttus maculatus | Wildcatch | Pacific |
Pangasius Fillets (River Cobbler) | Pangasius hypopthalmus | farmed | Vietnam |
Yellowfin Sole Fillets | Limanda aspera | Wildcatch | Pacific |
Red Snapper Fillets | Lutjanus malabaricus | Wildcatch | Pacific |
Redfish Fillet | Sebastes spp. | Wildcatch | Atlantic, Northeast |
Plaice Fillets | Pleuronectes platessa | Wildcatch | North Sea |
Rock Sole Fillets | Lepidopsetta bilineata | Wildcatch | Pacific |
Saithe Fillets | Pollachius virens | Wildcatch | Atlantic, Northeast |
Monkfish Fillets | Lophius spp. | Wildcatch | Atlantic, Northwest / Pacific |
Tilapia Fillets | Oreochromis niloticus | farmed | China |
Tropical Solefillet (Senegalese tonguesole) | Cynoglossus senegalensis | Wildcatch | Atlantic, Eastern Central |
Tropical Turbot Fillets | Psettodes belcheri | Wildcatch | Atlantic, Eastern Central |
Nile Perch Fillets | Lates niloticus | Inlandwaters | Tanzania/Uganda |
Pike Perch Fillets | Stizostedion spp. | Inlandwaters | Eastern Europe |
READY TO COOK | ![]() |
New Zealand Sole | Pelthorhambus noveazealandiae | Wildcatch | Pacific |
Plaice | Pleuronectes platessa | Wildcatch | Atlantic, Northeast |
Monkfish Tails | Lophius litulon | Wildcatch | Pacific |
Tropical Sole | Cynoglossus spp. | Wildcatch | Atlantic, Eastern Central |
HERRING | ![]() |
Matjes - Netherlands | Clupea harengus | Wildcatch | Atlantic, Northeast |
STEAKS | ![]() |
Oilfish Steaks | Lepidocybium flavobrunneum | Wildcatch | Pacific |
Halibut Steaks (Black Halibut) | Reinhardtius hippoglossoides | Wildcatch | Atlantic, Northwest |
Shark (Porbeagle) Steaks | Lamna nasus | Wildcatch | Atlantic, Southeast |
Salmon Steaks (Chum) | Oncorhynchus keta | Wildcatch | Pacific |
Marlin Steaks | Makaira indica | Wildcatch | Atlantic, Southeast |
Tuna Steaks (Yellowfin) | Thunnus albacares | Wildcatch | Atlantic, Southeast |
Please contact us for our full product range and latest prices.
We are looking forward to receiving your enquiries.